See Me At Work
Field Organizer with the Yes on 3! Campaign
I worked with field organizers all over the state, this was the first time we were all in the same place.
Meeting with Rep Danica Roams and Christine Halquist
I helped a small group of student volunteers at UMASS organize a 200+ student event with speakers Christine Halquist and Danica Roam
Speaking at a Rally in Northampton for Trans Rights
I have spoken at many different types of events on behalf of causes and organizations. I am extremely comfortable communicating with diverse populations.
View from the Yes on 3! Office
I am always willing to help, whether it is jumping in when running through training examples, creating materials for canvasses or events, or helping out wherever help is needed.
Canvassing for Doctor's Without Borders
I am very comfortable with street canvassing. I have also been trained in deep canvassing, which is having difficult conversations about deeply personal topics with oppositional voters to promote overall change of deeply held discriminatory beliefs
Coming Out Week as President of the LGBTQ Group at Albion College
I received an Outstanding Contributions to campus activism award for my work with the administration on their nondiscrimination statement.
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